Monday, April 3, 2023

Get in the Van

Stern Foo Fighters pinball. First off I am not a fan of rock band pinball tables, I don't care for the repeated song clips... they can wear on you when playing over and over. Also noted - I am not a fan of the Foo Fighters either. That said this is designer Jack Danger's first pro design. He did create the design for Jurassic Park home version but this his first "real" table. It's got a pretty interesting layout, all kinds of S curves, a trapped ball, oddly shaped inlanes and kicker cannon not facing the player. The ability to hit combo shots is satisfying and there is plenty of movement and things to shoot at. The modes are similar to Roadshow in that you're traveling around the country as a band and playing shows. Playing at the bar is cool cause I don't have to hear the music. Zombie Yeti did the artwork and it's nice candy colored and bright reminiscent of the TMNT table he did from a couple years ago. The screen is animated as well, no real imagery but rather cartoon illustrations of the band and locations.

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